2024 International Virtual Fashion Presentation
Dec 23th, 2024 - Feb 23th, 2025
Online Exhibition

This video showcases the International Virtual Fashion Presentation, which was organized by Professor Seunghee Suh of the Department of Fashion Design at Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea, with the support of the university's Global Research and Education Program (GREP).
The virtual exhibition, marking its third edition in 2024, includes 58 pieces created by fashion design students from universities in Korea, the United States, China, and Japan.
This exhibition is a digital fashion presentation held in a virtual space, where students majoring in fashion design from different countries present their works, utilizing either traditional design techniques or virtual digital technologies.
The participants present their work in unique ways that reflect cultural diversity and global trends, while exploring the future of contemporary fashion.
This event provides an opportunity to experience the creations of fashion designers from various countries in a virtual space, broadening the possibilities of digital fashion and establishing itself as a platform that fosters global collaboration and networks.
Sungkyunkwan University
Yoon Gwan
The Muse from an Unkown Dimension
Yoon GwanThe Muse from an Unkown Dimension
Li Zihan
The Circle Dance
Li ZihanThe Circle Dance
Park Jeongeun
Park JeongeunGahwa
Xu Liangjia
Garden night
Xu LiangjiaGarden night
Zhang Jingrui
Zhang JingruiOrenda
Park Sanghee
Park SangheeSienna
Lee Seogyeong
The Serene White Swan
Lee SeogyeongThe Serene White Swan
Min Enhui
Min EnhuiCascade
Choi Daon
Breaking Boundaries
Choi DaonBreaking Boundaries
Cao Yuanfang
Cao YuanfangMeteor
Lee Sooyeon
Lee SooyeonFlow
Song Minyoung
Fly at the End of the Century
Song MinyoungFly at the End of the Century
Hong Seongmin
Linear Morph
Hong SeongminLinear Morph
Kim Geonwoo
Textile Alchemy
Kim GeonwooTextile Alchemy
Lim Seoyoung
Chic Code
Lim SeoyoungChic Code
Lee Yunseo
Lee YunseoSpaceSongByBeachHouse
Sun Hanlin
Sun HanlinVenus
Bunka Fashion College
Tanaka Yui
Nostalgic Sounc
Tanaka YuiNostalgic Sounc
Ogura Takumi
Dress or Outerwear...
Ogura TakumiDress or Outerwear...
Ikeda Haruna
Twist, Destruction
Ikeda HarunaTwist, Destruction
Hasegawa Oto
Goblin Hoodie
Hasegawa OtoGoblin Hoodie
Jeong Soyoung
Jeong SoyoungAddiction
Park Soobin
The Butterfly Dream
Park SoobinThe Butterfly Dream
Miyashita Nao
Miyashita NaoDefensive
Ogawa Sae
Color Your daily Moments
Ogawa SaeColor Your daily Moments
Baik Jongmin
Patten and Design
Baik JongminPatten and Design
Donghua University
Fu Yitong
Fu YitongStare
Jin Ziming
Jin ZimingRebirth
Lin Jiaxin
Lin JiaxinSamsara
Lu Songyu
Invisible Energy Flow
Lu SongyuInvisible Energy Flow
Sun Kexin
Before Dawn
Sun KexinBefore Dawn
Wang Xue
Xunpu · The Beauty of Fish Women
Wang XueXunpu · The Beauty of Fish Women
Wu Zhengxin
Post-apocalyptic Hanfu
Wu ZhengxinPost-apocalyptic Hanfu
Xiao Xiaolu
Fester Like A Sore
Xiao XiaoluFester Like A Sore
Zhang Xinyu
Zhang XinyuTemperature
Fuzhou University
Chen Jiayi
Tear of the Sea
Chen JiayiTear of the Sea
Li Yuhua
Trace to the Source
Li YuhuaTrace to the Source
Liu Yulu
Liu YuluRed
Luo Minlin
The Red Coat is Shallow and Deep
Luo MinlinThe Red Coat is Shallow and Deep
Tao Kejia
Hunting for Change
Tao KejiaHunting for Change
Zhu Enchen
Zhu EnchenDNA
Quanzhou Normal University
Cheng Lu
Effective Prescription
Cheng LuEffective Prescription
Feng Jianing
Feng JianingNuo
Xin Yijing
Constructivism of Ballet
Xin YijingConstructivism of Ballet
Xu Manni, Zhang Yourui
"Cockroach" Dream Journey
Xu Manni, Zhang Yourui"Cockroach" Dream Journey
Xu Xiaojing
Young OG
Xu XiaojingYoung OG
Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
Chen Yuwei
Sunny Ocean
Chen YuweiSunny Ocean
Zhu Wenqi
Neon Nomad
Zhu WenqiNeon Nomad
Drexel University
Alanna Jaron
Alanna Jaron
Angelina Balzan
Angelina Balzan
Fen Dupont
Fen Dupont
John Hazlett
John Hazlett
Kristina LaMontagne
Kristina LaMontagne
Leo Margolis
Leo Margolis
Maya Gonzales
Maya Gonzales
Mia Tilli
Mia Tilli
Rawan Alharbi
Rawan Alharbi
Richika Das
Richika Das